Attention Woman Entrepreneurs in Dallas!

Connect with like-minded, successful women entrepreneurs at SUCCESS Summit 2012


Did you know that 1 out of every 11 women is an entrepreneur?

And that women owned businesses are growing at twice the rate of all businesses?

Are you one of these powerhouse women business owners?

If you are, then I have a great opportunity for you to connect with other like-minded, successful women entrepreneurs while learning new strategies from top experts!

SUCCESS Summit 2012 is coming to Dallas on May 18th!

Whether you have a well established business or are just getting started, the SUCCESS Summit will inspire, motivate, and empower you.  You will connect with an influential group of smart, savvy women business owners who are ready to move their business to the next level and invest in their SUCCESS!

This special day includes high value content from experts who are TOP in their field PLUS networking with successful entrepreneurs just like you who want to grow their business with the support of other like-minded business women.  This is no pitch-fest! It’s all about connecting, learning and implementing!

Topics include….

  • Secrets to Double Your Business Growth
  • Your Entrepreneurial Type
  • How to Create a Website That Works When You Aren’t
  • Organizing Your Office For Less Stress
  • Quick and Easy (and FREE) Marketing Strategies

Register now and receive all of this for only $67! Use the coupon code WOMAN2012 when you register! Yes – only $67 for a full day of high content and amazing connections! Plus a fabulous lunch!

Event Information

Friday, May 18th, 2012
Renaissance Hotel, Dallas Texas

For more information and to register click here:

Say YES to Your SUCCESS and register now!



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