Book Review: Molly Kite’s Big Dream

tam veilleux

by Minette Riordan

I recently received a review copy of Molly Kite’s Big Dream by Tam Veilleux. This is a very charming story about dreaming big and having faith that our dreams will come true. The main character, Molly, wants to be a potter but she doesn’t have any idea how to make that happen. She is joined in the story by her special doll, Faith, her brother and a bird. The illustrations in the book are gorgeous and will capture your child’s attention.

One of the things I admired most about Molly is her resilience and her trust that her dream will come true. Veilleux does a wonderful job of showing us how to nurture a child’s imagination and remind our children that we have to believe that our dreams will come true and take the right actions to make that happen.

In the introduction, Veilleux shares this about her book:

“This story is about my grandkids, Molly Kite and Banjo. It’s a law of attraction story that will teach your kids the power of setting goals and taking action. When you add in faith and gratitude, you’ll get your kids dreaming, doing and having BIG results (Dream. Do. Have.). Let’s unleash their personal power.”

This is a great book for teachers to use with kids in the classroom. The author provides a series of questions and activities at the end of the book that will foster discussion about the book as well as help children to dream big. It would also be fun to read at home with your child and both of you answer the questions about your big dreams at the end of the story.

If you are looking for creative ways to nurture your child’s imagination and teach them to dream big, I highly recommend Molly Kite’s Big Dream. It is available for sale on

Change strategist Tam Veilleux has been transforming audiences with wit, wisdom, science and spirituality for several years. Her goal is to engage audiences in creating personal & professional change. Her children’s book Molly Kite’s Big Dream encourages the dream, do, have of life for all ages by teaching the ABC’s of Dreaming.


Dr. Minette Riordan is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, speaker and life vision coach who is having fun rediscovering her creativity and living a stress-free life. She is passionate about helping women find the tools, resources and inspiration they need to create the life of their dreams. She lives in Santa Barbara, CA with her husband and two children. She loves art, poetry, long walks on the beach and cooking beautiful food. To learn more, visit her online at






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