Five Tips to Feng Shui a Nursery

Feng Shui Your Baby's Nursery
Feng Shui Your Baby's Nursery

How you Can Feng Shui Your Baby’s Nursery to Create a Peaceful, Serene Environment

Because babies are developing all five senses, they are extremely sensitive to the energy of their environment and are therefore quite the feng shui enthusiasts. In fact, good feng shui engages all five senses. For babies, it is important to engage the senses, but to not overwhelm them. In doing so, the nursery should feel safe, peaceful, and nurturing. Here are some tips to feng shui your baby’s nursery to create the ideal environment.

Engage the Senses

Play soft or classical music in the nursery is recommended. Include textured items for the baby to touch and feel. Use gentle and natural aromatherapy in the nursery, such as lavender in an oil diffuser.  Use a mobile above their bed is recommended to give them a sense of something around them as opposed to vast open space.  Clearly, mobiles serve other functions as well, such as developing eyesight.

Reduce the Clutter

Although a baby may not be able to see clutter in the room, he or she can pick it up energetically. In fact, their sixth sense is the strongest, which makes them extremely sensitive to their environment. Although babies like small spaces, the room shouldn’t feel crowded due to clutter. It is important therefore to have the baby nursery neat and organized. In other words, it shouldn’t be a room that is also used for storage or other functions. Do not store items underneath the crib, except for soft linens. (This goes for adult beds too!)

Practice Organization Early

Despite their actions at times, children love organization. It gives them a sense of boundaries and therefore safety. Organization is a learned behavior that is picked up at early ages so set a good example early. Have designated places for clothes and toys. As your child gets old enough, start teaching them how to pick up after themselves and where certain items go. They will start to feel an ownership over their belongings and a sense of taking care of themselves that will continue to benefit them as they get older.

Choose a Soft Color Palette

Stick with soft pastels and avoid primary colors. Colors emit a lot of energy, particularly the wall color of a room. The bolder the color, the more energy it emits into a room. The softer the color, the calmer it will be on a child’s energy. Since the primary function for a nursery is sleep, use colors that promote sleep. Pastels, such as soft yellow, blues, and greens, and monotones are calming to the nervous system.

Choose Furniture Mindfully

Avoid large furniture items that give the appearance of towering over the bed. Babies want to feel safe, protected, and cradled, but oversized furniture can feel overbearing. Also avoid furniture pieces with harsh corners. Also be conscious of the history of the furniture that you place in a nursery. For example, an antique crib from the Civll War era carries with it the energy of its past. Consider the energy contained in family pieces and whether that it is positive or negative energy that you want carried forward for your child.

Tisha Morris

Tisha Morris is a feng shui consultant, trainer, speaker, and author of Mind Body Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time (Llewellyn Worldwide) and Feng Shui Your Life: The Quick Guide to Decluttering Your Home and Renewing Your Life (Turner Publishing).  As an intuitive healer, Tisha combines healing energy, feng shui techniques and design aesthetics to turn challenging spaces into supportive environments that transform all those who live and encounter the space. Tisha incorporates inspirations from Chinese Medicine, Yoga, Buddhism, Shamanism, Sacred Geometry, Reconnective Healing, and Numerology into her feng shui practice with formal studies in Black Hat Sect of Tibetan Buddhism Feng Shui. She is also a Red Ribbon Member of the International Feng Shui Guild (IFSG).


1 Comment

  1. Dede McDade

    What about elementary school rooms? My Grandson’s room is downright messy. There are things everywhere you look. I can not believe that a teacher thinks a room like his, would be a good learning environment for the students. It makes me anxious just going in there.

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