A Few Tips to Keep in Mind Before Sending Your Child to Summer Camp
North Texas Kids Summer Camps and Kids Activities Guide 2013
by Shelly Fisher
As summer is in full swing, parents have a lot to think about; should I get a sitter, what groceries do I need, do I plan a vacation, and what about summer camp!? Finding the right camp is an adventure of its own, but once you settle on one there a few things to keep in mind in order to ease any worry for both you and children.
Find Out the Camp Procedures
Ask for the camp’s procedures in the event of an emergency; the camp should have a plan of action if a child is injured or missing. The camp staff should be trained to handle the incident; but it is also important to go over the proper steps with your child as well before they head off to camp. Most importantly, be sure the staff has the most up to date complete contact information for you so that there is no question of how to reach you. It is best to also provide an alternate contact in the event that for some reason they are unable to get in touch with you.
Read All of the Paperwork!
As the school year concludes it may seem like the permission slips, homework assignments, and other miscellaneous paperwork are off the table for a few months but then the camp information arrives. While the paperwork may be dense and the list of things your child should bring to camp may seem endless; the pages are full of helpful information to prepare for the experience including points of contact for any questions you are unable to find answers to! Save yourself lots of trouble packing by following their list of what and what not’s; and make sure your little one is involved in the process. This gives them the opportunity to share in the excitement before they even leave the house!
Keep Positive and Discuss the Rules
While sending your child to summer camp may be a great experience for them to have fun and make new friends it is important that they are aware of what kind of behavior is expected of them while they are away. For a lot of kids their first time away from home could prove challenging but make sure you keep in mind that this is as a big a deal for them as it is for you. If they are homesick it is crucial to encourage that they make the best of their time there rather than reminding them they will be home soon. This will allow them to stop worrying about how many days are left and focus more on enjoying the one ahead of them.
Shelly Fisher, President & CEO of Hope Paige medical ID accessories, is a consummate entrepreneur with over 25 years of business experience, having founded and operated two other companies before starting Medical ID Marketplace. She has been active in various organizations, including Ronald McDonald House Charities, Make a Wish Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Syracuse University, The Philadelphia Challenge Cup, and Relay for Life. When Shelly isn’t at the Hope Paige offices, she enjoys spending time with her husband, three kids and five dogs.