Tips for Preschool Readiness

Is Your Child Ready for Pre-School?

Is Your Child Ready for Preschool? Here are Some Clues!

By Kids ‘R’ Kids

The average age for a child to begin preschool is two and a half, however that doesn’t mean that every child is ready at this age. When you begin to notice your child discovering new things throughout the house and seeking new adventures beyond the space and time available at home, it may be a good idea to consider care in a preschool environment. The decision to enroll your young learner into preschool can be difficult, especially if this is your first preschool experience. If you evaluate your situation and believe it is not a good time for your child and family, it certainly won’t hurt to wait a bit longer for your child to begin preschool.

To assist with your decision, we have compiled a few tips that will help. We understand the decision to enroll your child in preschool is an important one. Feel free to contact us at one of our many locations in the area for additional professional insight on your child’s preschool readiness.

Key Points for Preschool Readiness

  • Time Away – Does your child spend time away from you? Think about babysitters, friends, relatives, and grandparents. Generally, children who have already adjusted to being in environments away from home are better prepared for preschool. If your child is not comfortable being away from home, consider short stays with grandparents or friends. Try to grow to a weekend away. Watch as your child learns to adjust to new environments and becomes more prepared for the upcoming educational experience.
  • Independence – From birth, children begin to grow and seek independence. From rolling over to walking and running, a child is quickly on her way to independence and further exploration. This behavior is normal and a great indicator of preschool readiness. Here are some additional tasks that should be accomplished before entering preschool: The ability to eat without help, already potty trained, knowing how to wash her hands without help, and also able to sleep alone.
  • Working alone – Preschool curriculum can involve many activities requiring varying skills and the ability to work in groups or independently. A preschooler may be involved in activities such as puzzles, games, music, arts and crafts, and also various other creative ways to learn. When you see your child engaged in these types of activities at home, it’s a good sign that she would benefit from a preschool environment.

Preschool has countless benefits for young children well into their adulthood. To see a preschool of academic excellence in action, feel free to tour one of our Kids ‘R’Kids Learning Academies. See first hand the Kids ‘R’ Kids Experience and why so many parents are choosing us for their child’s first preschool.

Kids ‘R’ Kids believes that happy, loved, connected children are destined for success in every facet of their lives. Our most cherished principle, “Hug First, Then Teach,” defines every aspect of who we are at Kids ‘R’ Kids. When it comes to teaching, Kids ‘R’ Kids understands the importance of involving families with their child’s developmental milestones and accomplishments. We hope you will drop by for a tour at one of our 12 locations in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. You will find a list of our locations on For ongoing solutions for childhood development feel free to contact us or schedule a visit at one of our many locations in the DFW area.



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