Easy Valentine’s Day Craft for Kids!
Paper Heart Wreath: The perfect Valentine decoration to hang in your home… or for your kiddos to give to their Valentine!
Supplies needed:
construction paper (various colors), scrapbooking or patterned paper
a paper plate
1. Cut the center out of the paper plate to leave a round “donut” shape. This will form the base of the wreath.
2. Cut a sheet of construction paper in fourths.
3. Fold each piece of construction paper in half, cut a half heart shape out of the construction paper along the folded edge.Unfold your cut out shape and you’ll have a perfect little heart.
4. Repeat this process many times, making different sized hearts.
5. Glue your construction paper hearts to completely cover your paper plate “donut”.
6. You can tie a bow and paste it on to decorate further.
7. Can put a piece of yarn on the back to hang it.
Enjoy making this cute paper heart wreath with your kids!