Hawaiian Falls FLASH GIVEAWAY!

Hawaiian Falls Ticket Giveaway

North Texas Kids has 6 tickets to giveaway to Hawaiian Falls!


To enter, leave a comment below about why you’d like the tickets and what is your favorite ride at Hawaiian Falls.

Contest ends on Wednesday, August 14th at midnight CDT.

NOTE: Winner will be notified Thursday morning and must respond the same day or prize will be forfeit. The email used to contact you will be the email you use to leave your comment below.

For more information on Hawaiian Falls, visit www.hfalls.com.

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  1. Brandy Fisher

    i would love to win because our Family of 5 have never been before:) my 3 sons would really enjoy this to cool off!!!!!

  2. Ann Marie Whitehurst

    I’ve never taken my kids, because it’s so expensive. We’d love to go!

  3. Tabitha

    My kids (2.5 and 5) LOVE the water, especially water slides! They would love a trip to the water park before school starts. We’ve never been to Hawaiian Falls, so I don’t know what our favorite ride will be 🙂

  4. Joy Anderson

    I would love the tickets so I could take my kids. He have not been then summer because the price adds up with 4 kids. This would be great!

  5. Joy Anderson

    Oh forgot my favorite ride is the lazy river!

  6. Rainforest River Adventure!! I would like to win tickets to spend some quality time with my girls 17, 19, and 5. We have had a really busy summer, no vacation time.. I work full time and this would be a perfect time and place to have some fun!!

  7. Teresa A.

    We love Hawaiian Falls! We really enjoy the lazy river. Everything there is so much fun that it is hard to pick just one thing or one ride.

  8. bri garnica

    I would love to take my son and nieces and nephews. This would be a back to school treat for them. My favorite ride is the wave pool, for my son would be the kids slides.

  9. Lea Ann Cox

    Never been, would love to take my children. thanks

  10. Kim W.

    My oldest son Shawn is turning 10 next week and loves Hawaiian Falls! He said he would love to celebrate his birthday by having his close friends and him go to HF so this contest is perfect! Our favorite ride is the Pineapple Express, we always race together and see who goes the fastest! So much fun!

  11. Melissa Duvall

    My 5 year old son and I would love to win these tickets! We both love to swim.I love the lazy river when I just want to relax:)

  12. Cathy G.

    What fun! We would love to win this so we could do one more really cool thing before school starts. The Kona Kooler looks great! But all of the attractions and rides would be great- as long as I’m with family!

  13. Lisa

    We’d love to go! The lazy river and wave pool sound like a lot of fun!

  14. Wendy Stewart

    I would love to use the tickets as a Last Bash for Summer for my kids. We were not able to get season passes this year and haven’t been able to go yet but they have been asking and asking. Would be an excellent surprise and break up the monotony of the last few days before school starts. My favorite ride is the Lazy River!!

  15. Alison

    I’d love Hawaiian Falls tickets so I can take my boys for a fun day before school starts. They have seen commercials all summer long and have been asking to go. We have never been, but I’m sure we’d love it all!

  16. barbara wagenhauser

    What a prize.. pick me and Walker (6)

  17. Arelia Hammer

    I would love to win these tickets for me and my boys, and to invite my oldest son’ best friend and his siblings and my best friend, their mom, to join us. We would all have a blast staying cool and hanging out before our busy school years, in different cities, start up again. This would be our first time to visit Hawaiian Falls.

  18. Melissa

    My kiddos’ favorite time in the summer is getting to go to Hawaiian Falls The Colony! We love the torpedo!!!

  19. Megan T.

    We would love to win these tickets because my husband lost his job in June and we haven’t been able to take the kids to do anything that costs money all summer. I told my son about this contest and he say’s he loves the “Torpedo”. Not sure if this is a real ride or not, but there ya go! Fingers Crossed! Thanks for sharing this opportunity.

  20. Krishna

    We start every summer with the first day at Hawaiian falls. It would be the perfect finish to summer break.

  21. Jason

    To take the family for a little staycation and for me to just float around the river. That sounds good to me

  22. Carrie Hendrix

    I would love to win the tickets not only because Hawaiian Falls is an awesome time for the entire family, but mainly because this is a Christian ran establishment and we take pride in supporting those in our community that are not afraid to stand behind their religious views!! Thanks you HF!! God Bless.

  23. Carrie Hendrix

    I would love to win the tickets not only because Hawaiian Falls is an awesome time for the entire family, but mainly because this is a Christian ran establishment and we take pride in supporting those in our community that are not afraid to stand behind their religious views!! Thank you HF!! God Bless.

  24. Cat G

    My family of 6 kids are Jas, Daniel, Damian & David would love to go. We have not gone anywhere this summer break due to babysitting my sisters little ones. Would be an awesome end to our summer break before school starts. My kids are so adventures they would have a BLAST on all the slides. Thank you for this chance ya are awesome.

  25. Stefanie R.

    Would love to win to take my 3 little ones!! We have never been so I am not sure what my favorite ride would be but I am sure that they are all fun!!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  26. Tina Martinez

    Our family LOVES the wave pool! Great Giveaway!

  27. Ashley Scott

    I’d like the tickets because we were unable to take a family vacation this year and it’d be a wonderful birthday gift for me. My favorite ride is the long orange slide…not sure about the name of it though. 🙂

  28. Dulce Trelinski

    We would love win this tickets because Hawaiian Falls is a great place to spend day with your family.
    Water and slide doesn’t get any better than that.

  29. Nicole Alaniz

    Winning tickets would be a great way to end the summer by having a blast at the water park. The lazy river and the wave pool are both my favorites.

  30. Jackie C.

    What great fun it would be for my family to be able to spend a fun filled day together! We took my 4yr old for the 1st a few weeks ago and he (surprisingly) loves the big water slides! The expression on his face after his first one was priceless!

  31. Ashli young

    We love to cool off at Hawaiian Falls! Mom likes the lazy river and the boys like the wave pool.

  32. Jackie C.

    What great fun it would be for my family to be able to spend a fun filled day together! We took my 4 yr old for the 1st a few weeks ago and he (surprisingly) loves the big water slides! The expression on his face after his first one was priceless!

  33. Kim W.

    This would give us the perfect memory of our family before school starts! This would be my first visit so I am not sure about a favorite. If you asked the kids, they would probably say anything that gets their parents really wet!! Thank you for giving us a chance to win!

  34. Crystal B.

    My family would love to go to Hawaiian Falls because we have not been able to go is a long time. It is really hard right now paying for a family of 6 to go to the water park. Our favorite ride is the cyclone, but the younger kids would love to visit Kiaki cove.

  35. cheryl

    We would love to take our 4 grandson as a back to school celebration. We would love to just chill in the lazy river

  36. Rebecca Stern

    I would love to win tickets for my son! He will start kindergarten this month and would love to make that our last hurrah before school starts!

  37. Rebecca M

    would love to take my family…we have never been!


    The Keiki Kove in Mansfield is lots of fun. WE WOULD LOVE TO GO ONE LAST TIME BEFORE SCHOOL.

  39. Samantha McKenzie

    We haven’t been yet this summer! Love the slide with the things you sit on!

  40. Laura FS.

    Our annual summer trip to HF hasn’t happened yet! We (mom+2kids) go every summer with friends (mom+2kids) == 6 tickets would be perfect!
    Thank you!

  41. Sara Barton

    We would love to win. It would give my family a greatbreak. We would love the lazy river!!!!

  42. Jennifer Lawwill

    I would love to win tickets to Hawwian Falls because my family has never been we are struggling to make ends meet and this would be a “vacation” for our 3 girls.

  43. joanna g

    We would love to won because we haven’t had the chance to get there yet.

  44. Anna

    My 8-year-old daughter has been asking me for a Hawaiian Fall treat all summer long. I would love to have the opportunity to take my two kids there before the school starts.

  45. Servando P

    I would like to take my family to enjoy the fabulous swimming pools, have a great family time, take pictures, enjoy the hot weather while we swim or go through the lazy river!!
    What a great summer day that would be!

    thanks for considering me in the sweepstakes!


  46. Carol Smith

    My three kids would love the chance to visit Hawaiian Falls before school starts! We live nearby and drive past the park several times each week….just hasn’t been in our budget to go this summer!

    • Carol Smith

      And our favorite ride is the lazy river!

  47. Anna

    My 8-year-old daughter has been asking for a Hawaiian Fall day all summer long. I would love to have the opportunity to take my two kids there before school starts.

  48. Glenda Araujo

    I have 3 children that love to play with water We would love to win the tickets to finish our summer vacations, thanks gor the oportunity!

  49. jodi

    Would love to win tickets! My family of 6 has not been there before.

  50. Laura Shepherd

    I’d love to take my family before the summer ends. We’ve never been so any ride would be great!

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