Ringling Bros. Has Hatched Something Big … Dragons!

Get your tickets to this must-see family fun event today!

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey is proud to present DRAGONS! For the first time in circus history, myth and majesty will share the arena  during this must-see family event that can only be witnessed at The Greatest Show On Earth! Experience circus spectacles so incredible that once again you will believe in the unbelievable! Dragon tribes from the far reaches of the earth are  brought together in a single performance, displaying their breathtaking skills in a circus tournament of champions. Each tribe must prove that they have virtues of Courage, Strength,  Wisdom and Heart to arouse dragons which appear right before your very eyes!  Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime family event when The Greatest Show On Earth brings the world together… to bring your family together!

Performance Dates

Dallas at American Airlines Center from July 31 – Aug 11

Ft Worth at Fort Worth Convention Center  from August 14-18

For more information and to purchase your tickets, visit www.Ringling.com.

Ringling Bros & Barnum and Bailey - Clowns

Do You Want FREE tickets for Your Family to See Dragons?

Tickets are for the Thursday August 8th – 7:30pm performance at the AAC


Here’s how to enter this contest:

Share it on Facebook!

1. “Like” North Texas Kids on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/northtexaskids  AND

2. Share this post publicly on your Facebook page by clicking on the Facebook button below. (Post must be public so we can see it; otherwise, it doesn’t count for the contest)  AND

3. Leave a comment below with a link to the url of your shared post (click on the grey date/time stamp of the post to get to the post URL; it will open on a separate page).

Contest ends on Wednesday, July 31st at midnight CST. Winners will be notified by email (the one you use to leave the comment below) and must respond ASAP!




  1. I love looking at this website because it gives me many ideas of things to do and places to go.

  2. I would love to win the tickets to the circus so I can take my daughter. It has been a tradition to go every year or try to go every year. I am a single parent and financially I can not afford it some years and its heart breaking to tell her that we can not go. Thank you for the opportunity I greaty appreciate it.

  3. Natasha Blum

    We love the circus! Dragons would be Great. Genius!

  4. Love dragons and RIngling Circus!! What a great combination for family fun!! Can’t wait!!

  5. Vickie Green

    Please offer the tickets to me so that I can take my grand-children. My little one has a fascination with dragons. She came to me the other night when she didn’t want to sleep in her own bed and said “Nana, a bad dragon bite me on my arm”. She isn’t afraid of them, just fascinated, and wants one as a pet. She has never been to the cirus and would love to attend with the other kids ages 8 and 5.

  6. Wendy Brown

    Wendy Beyette Brown shared a link.

    Ringling Bros. Has Hatched Something Big … Dragons! | North Texas Kids
    Get your tickets to this must-see family fun event today! Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey is proud to present DRAGONS! For the first time in circ

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