Just one more concert remaining in Plano Symphony Orchestra’s
Family Series of Concerts
Gone with the Winds, part of the Plano Symphony Orchestra’s Family Series, is a fun, interactive, concert featuring the Wind instrument family. Children hear, see and learn about the many different instruments as they interact with the musicians. There will be children’s activities before the show in the lobby, including the Instrument Petting Zoo, Conductor Station, Storyboard/iPod Station, Coloring Station and Craft Station.
Event Information:
When: Sunday, March 4th at 3pm
Where: Courtyard Theatre in Plano
Plano Symphony Orchestra website
Congratulations to our ticket giveaway winners! Enjoy the show!
We’re giving away 4 tickets to Gone with the Winds on our Facebook page.
Share this post on your Facebook page to enter this giveaway.
Contest ends Thursday, March 1st at noon and the winner will be announced on our Facebook page shortly after the contest. Good luck!